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Rabbi Zolly Claman

Rabbi Zolly Claman was born and raised in the nation’s capital. From Ottawa, he traveled to Jerusalem to start what would pan out to be an adventure lasting a decade. After spending several years is some of the world most coveted Yeshivas, Rabbi Claman was granted one of ten spots from a pool of over a thousand applicants to the Center for Kehilla Development (CKD). CKD is a 5-year semicha fellowship that includes training in marriage counseling and child-rearing counseling. Rabbi Zolly Claman holds a handful of rabbinical ordinations, including from Rabbi Osher Weiss and from the State of Israel. Rabbi Claman also authored a work on the topic of the laws of kashrut which has become a favorite preparation book amongst those who are studying for the semicha tests is Israel. 
Rabbi Claman spent four years as the Rabbi in Beth Israel Synagogue – the only modern orthodox shul in Edmonton, Canada. There, Rabbi Claman was instrumental in establishing and running the Kadima Foundation which functioned as a Judaic curriculum being taught within the school system.
Rabbi Claman is passionate about inspiring community members to take the next step in their spiritual journey by teaching Torah that is inspiring, relevant and practical. His natural ability to connect with people lends to the approachable ambiance that TBDJ has.
He arrived in Montreal with a fully equipped hockey bag and when you don’t see him in Shul, you may find him at the local hockey rinks, on tennis courts or on the ski slopes. He also is a passionate guitar player and a lover of all forms of music done well. 

The Rabbi and Rebitzen Penina are the proud and dedicated parents of their three children: Adina, Chaya and Elisha. They whole clan is a natural fit to the synagogue's diverse membership, communal warmth, love for Israel and engagement with Torah, Tefillah, and Gemilut Chasadim.


Chazan Sheini

Reverend Amiel Bender

TBDJ is home to Reverend Amiel Bender.  Amiel is well known in the Montreal Jewish community, having served at Beth Ora in St. Laurent for many years in the capacity of Chazzan Sheini and Director of Youth and Programming. A psychologist and Captain in the Israel Armed Forces, Amiel has also formed a great bond with many of the youth in our community, through his work teaching and directing music at Hebrew Academy and other institutions. Amiel is a part of TBDJ along with his family: Mrs. Cheryl Bender, a registered nurse who is the coordinator of Federation CJA’s West Island Family Institute; Naftali, a newlywed and lawyer in Ottawa; Ayelet, an English Literature and Fashion major at Bar Ilan University; Uri, a student in McGill pre-med; Yakir and Chagit, both students at Hebrew Academy. Amiel can be reached at




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Sun, 27 October 2024 25 Tishrei 5785